Wednesday, January 30, 2008

10 Points of Interest from the Florida Primary

We sort through the crap, so you don't have to.

In a final 'blaze of glory'effort, Rudy Guiliani
challenges McCain, Romney,
and Huckabee to a 'winner take all'
bar room brawl.

What I Learned:

1. The people of America are sick and tired of being lied to (it’s about friggin’ time).

2. Rudy Guiliani received a beatdown that would’ve made even Tyler Durdin cringe (Due, in part, to #1).

3. Mitt Romney thinks Asia is a country.

4. Hillary Clinton is slowly losing it (What exactly were they celebrating?).

5. Fred Thompson doesn’t really matter…to anyone.

6. Voting in Florida is obviously much more difficult and confusing than the other 49 states.

7. If you can get past the hair and the obvious inability to differentiate church and state, Mike Huckabee is a pretty funny dude.

8. It’s much more hip to say that you support Ron Paul than to actually go out and vote for the guy.

9. None of the GOP candidates like Mitt Romney much (His kids are still up in the air, depending on how much money he has left for their future after this is over).

10. Keith Olberman has great hair.

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